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This place is for you if you are seeking postural alignment, pain mitigation, gait improvement, flexibility, sport performance, or just a more balanced life! Our Posture is a by-product of our habits. The way we feel, move, and operate throughout the day will place our body in positions that aren’t always healthy for our well-being.  Our goal is to help you understand your body and treat the root cause of your limitations. Tackling the root cause/dysfunction will then remove the symptoms (aches/pains/stiffness/emotional block) you may be experiencing. The location of the pain/problem is usually not where it stems from, it is just where our body experiences it. Everyone is SO different, so a personalized approach will be taken. Alignment brings our organs, muscles, joints, body's systems into optimal function ! The stronger you become, the more resilient you will become. This process will tackle the mind+body together. Healing through motion! 

Child's Pose


Evelyn (Evie) Garcia

Evie is a Postural Alignment Therapist in Orange County. She has a Bachelor's in Kinesology, Exercise Science from CSU,Fresno. Other Certifications include: Egoscue Certified Postural Alignment Therapy (7 years), NASM CPT and Functional Movement Systems. Her previous experience with individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries and Neurological Disorders in Fresno,CA has really given her an edge! Her drive for the field in health and wellness does not end! She is a Holistic Trainer/Therapist seeking to help people improve their quality of life. 


Outside of Therapy, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, rollerskating, running, reading, and taking road trips. 



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